quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

" Shut Up, Galvão"

Cala Boca Galvão is the Leading Twitter subject in the world. Also, a video posted Sunday night on a Brazilian humor blog and also on YouTube has been viewed more than half a million times. But how did this crazy story start? How come foreigners who have no idea who Galvão Bueno is posted a comment on Twitter?

Watch the video and check the NY Times article
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/16/nyregion/16about.html to know more about one of the history’s most successful cases of cyberprank.

World Cup

We all know the meaning and the importance that the World Cup has in Brazil. Companies stop, schools cancel classes and avenues get empty during the games. Also, soccer fans show true colors and go to great lengths to cheer on their national team. What is your feeling about this World Cup? Do you think that Brazil will win or will we be disappointed by our players’ performance? Please, leave a comment.

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Very Young Smokers in Indonesia

In Indonesia it is quite common and considered entertaining to see children smoking and because of this, very young children are getting addicted to cigarrettes. Meanwhile, in Brazil strict laws against smoking are being created. In large cities like São Paulo people are not allowed to smoke in any public place. What do you think of those customs and laws? Do you think that cigarrettes should be allowed or banned all over the world?